Friday, May 4, 2007

Why thought comes? Why cant I think?

This is the first time, I thought of going public. When you get up in the morning thought
comes. What does it do ? It discharges the energy charged during sleep. But how to avoid this
discharge of energy? How can I be ever fresh from morning to evening.

My answer is "don't allow thought to come. Rather start observing the thought and think the
thought". If one can achieve this, he/she can be ever fresh from morning to evening.

Your thought on this is very important to me and to my project. Post your comments.


Unknown said...

Thoughts coming to the mind is continuous process, though the thoughts are passing you are able to focuss on the one subject, or in the prsent moment , is the concentrtion. One has to practice this art. ( meditation). Thoughts will come , go, withought leaving the impression,(subconcious level) You will be in the state of conciousness and will think or do what you want to do is reaching the depth of your mind

shripad bhat said...

Most of the time, we complain that I am upset because of others or other cicrumstances. My upset need not be real. I am not really upset because of either others or other circumstances. It is only my thinking process. If it would have been true,it would have appeared real in the sleep also. I start thinking the reason to be upset because i am not ready to accept that i am the cause for my upset.
There is the area of the brain reacts to the situation and the body stimulates accordingly. If I can identify the area and order to be peaceful by ordering my mind to be happy all time.i.e living from reaction to creation. True,by meditation one can start working on this. Once I achieve this every fraction of my life starts acting rather than reacting.

shripad bhat said...
